Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Two or three more days to go!

Depending on how you look at it, two or three more days to go! If you weighed in on a morning, then Friday weigh day won't count as a day to go! So there's today, Wed, and Thurs!
Holly should email us all the directions again on how to come up with our percentage, and
then we each email them to her on Friday and she lets us know who won!
I changed my mind, no steak to celebrate. I'm going to continue eating well.


  1. I'm still considering steak for Friday night, but I just bought some new jeans in a slightly smaller size, so I can't really afford to put back on any weight. :o)

    Seriously, though, I feel like I've been doing WW long enough (since visiting Holly and Val in January of last year) to become more conscious of what I'm eating at all times and to often default to healthier options.

  2. I sent in my number... waiting for the winner reveal...

  3. BTW, just went out to Cheesecake Factory, totally blew any sort of healthy choices... had Chicken (breaded with sauce) and mashed potatoes and salad and this amazing cheesecake with reese's and chocolate and caramel... oh, yeah, baby
