Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ummm... This is Melissa. Am I signed on as Barby? Well, anyway, I joined WW, too!! Super excited about it, although I'm not telling very many people yet. (Then I have to listen to the obligatory, "What? Why? You look great!") But I am also stoked to be doing this with family! Tammie and I did an ab DVD last Saturday at Pop's with the kids making fun of us. It was great.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,
    Be sure to join during the 10 weeks for $100 if you can. Otherwise it's $14 a class.
    My first week cost $39, that's $14 plus sign up.
    WW is soooo much better than they used to be, it's more worth the money now.
    Love, Auntie Barby
    PS Sign up as me any time you want, just say it's you and you're off and running.
