Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wise Investments

In the interest of sharing helpful tidbits for others, what are some of the wisest investments you've made in order to lead a healthier lifestyle? Here's one of mine:
These are Gladware 1/2 cup containers, which will forever be known as "Tupperware" in my mind (just like tissues are always Kleenex, sodas are always Coke, cotton swabs are always Q-Tips, and backhoes are always Caterpillars). Why are these genius? Because they allow me to take small quantities of items that don't go well into little "Ziploc" (there's another!) bags -- salsa, hummus, and other healthy dips for pretzels, carrots, celery, etc. (the stuff that does go in the bags) -- to work with me. Lunch suddenly became much more tasty.

So what are your secrets?

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